Steam’s Greenlight programme is a pathway to distribution of their game on Valve’s Steam platform. As the giant of the digital distribution market, Steam needs no introduction to desktop gamers; According to Wikipedia, Steam has an estimated 50-70% share of the digital distribution market, with 54 million active user accounts.

The Community Nod

For the Predestination developers, Brain and Nerd, gaining community approval for Steam publication will be a huge step toward their goal of delivering their brand of galactic exploration and conquest to their growing community.

In a Brain and Nerd devblog published yesterday, development progress was reported on the tactical fleet combat engine, with depth and variety added to AI behaviours. The planetary exploration process has been iterated upon too, with the new scouting AI behaviour being strangely hypnotic.

Further details on the available races was also reported, with concept artwork released for the feline race now named ‘The Kazzir’ and the introduction of an aquatic species called ‘The Zl’oq’.

Racing Onward

This weekend sees the Predestination team attend Q-CON, “the annual Gaming & Anime Convention hosted by QUB Dragonslayers, the Queen’s University Belfast Gaming and Anime Society” where they will be showing the new Predestination trailer (as seen at the top of this article) and continuing on their path to being a published independent game development studio.