The episode occurred late on Tuesday night.

As her better half Kamal Singh was away working in Haryana, Lajwati, the 22-year-old pregnant lady, had called her seven-year-old sister Manju to remain with her.

Lajwati and her sister were resting in the patio when the episode occurred.

Police sources expressed that according to beginning examinations, the two brothers of Kamal Singh carried out the wrongdoing and are slipping away.

As indicated by reports, the two brothers used to beat their spouses who had grumbled to the police and the brothers were confined on Tuesday at the police headquarters.

They were subsequently delivered with an advance notice.

Their spouses were not at home when they returned.

The brothers, sources said, accepted that Lajwati was inciting their spouses to stop protests with the police and chose to show her and her sister a thing or two.

They killed Lajwati and her sister with a hatchet and escaped. They were tracked down dead on Wednesday morning.

Kamal Singh has been educated regarding the occurrence and is returning from Haryana.

No grumbling has yet been field for the situation.

— Ajitweekly (@Ajitweekly1) October 12, 2022

Police have sent both the bodies for after death.