“India is the 6th country on the planet to have cryogenic motor assembling abilities. The great past of HAL and ISRO gives us a confirmation that they will assume an essential part from here on out,” she said.


ICMF will take care of the whole rocket assembling and gathering under one rooftop for ISRO. The office will support confidence in assembling of high-pushed rocket motors.

The office is set up in a space of 4,500 sq mt lodging more than 70 hey tech hardware and testing offices for assembling cryogenic (CE20) and semi-cryogenic motors (SE2000) of Indian space send off vehicles.

In 2013, a MOU was endorsed with ISRO for laying out the office for assembling of cryogenic motor modules at HAL. The MOU for the cryogenic motor office was in this manner corrected in 2016 with a venture of Rs 208 crore towards setting up of Coordinated Cryogenic Motor Assembling Office (ICMF).

S. Somanath, Secretary, Division of Room, said India can arise as a superpower in rocket innovation just with the assistance of HAL, which has shown capacity to retain muddled space innovation with flawlessness.

— President of India (@rashtrapatibhvn) September 27, 2022

Cryogenic motors are the most broadly utilized motors world over in space send off vehicles. Because of the perplexing idea of the cryogenic motor, till date just couple of nations – – the US, France, Japan, China and Russia – – have dominated the cryogenic innovation.

On January 5, 2014 India effectively flew GSLV-D5 with a cryogenic motor (made by ISRO through confidential ventures) and turned into the 6th nation in creating cryogenic motors. Space investigation in what’s to come is generally reliant upon cryogenic innovation.