Magic titles are unique in a few ways. For one, you can cast rank 5 spells of any element just by leveling up its very first title, Magic Apprentice, to level 3. Second, the title tree is very element-oriented and you will be specializing in one type of magic or another, even if your primary title is something else.

The Rank 5 Magic titles will change the way you play more than any other tree’s. Make sure you read and understand them fully (or as much as you care to) before jumping in and leveling random titles.

If you’re interested in the mysteries of Rank 5 Venture titles, I recommend you take a look at my identically-formatted Venture titles guide. Unlike Magic, Venture has a bunch of items and aspects to it the game doesn’t explain well.

Something to note is that it is split by sides. The first half focuses on the top side of the tree (Black-Robe Mage) and the second half focuses on the bottom side of the tree (White-Robe Mage). You’ll see what I mean.

Magic Apprentice (Rank 1)

  • Attack +1/2/3- Allows you to cast any rank 3/4/5 magic on learning and upgrade- Grants 3 Bless scrolls on learning and upgrade- Consumes 100/150/200 EP

Your starting location for Mage titles, and it’s exclusive to the class. No Venture titles allow you to use higher rank magic and Melee classes are bound to specific types of magic.

Goes into: Black-Robe Mage or White-Robe Mage

Black-Robe Mage (Rank 2; from Magic Apprentice)

  • Power +1/2/3- Increases Power by 10/15/20%- Grants 3 Fire Ball scrolls on learning and upgrade- Consumes 200/250/300 EP

This is the first step toward a more offense-oriented magic build. Melee parties may want to look at the White-Robe Mage side of the tree but may also be interested in the Plane Prophet and Legendary Mage paths on this side.

Goes into: Wizard or Conjuror

Wizard (Rank 3; from Black-Robe Mage)

  • Power +2/4/6 HP +10/20/30 MP +10/20/30- Gives a 20/30/40% chance to summon an Elemental Whirlpool when casting attack spells- Grants 2 Meteor Shower scrolls on learning and upgrading- Consumes 300/350/400 EP

This is the first Magic title that gives your casting a little extra kick. The Elemental Whirlpool that may be summoned on offensive spell cast does damage to all visible enemies on the floor and doesn’t take a turn. Great utility, especially if you like revealing multiple enemies at a time.

Goes into: Fire Master or Dark Master

Conjuror (Rank 3; from Black-Robe Mage)

  • Power +2/4/6 HP +10/20/30 MP +10/20/30- Puts down a totem that lasts 3/6/9 turns each time you kill an enemy- Grants 3 Death Ripple scrolls on learning and upgrade- Consumes 300/350/400 EP

This is a good title if you’re primarily going offensive melee, have Magic titles available, and want to increase your survivability and damage in one swoop.

A few totems spawn from this title. One recovers 1 MP per turn it’s up, one decreases enemy Attack by 3, and one increases the amount of damage enemies take by 5.

Goes into: Dark Master or Earth Master

Fire Master (Rank 4; from Wizard)

  • Power +2/4/6 HP +20/30/40 MP +20/30/40- Increases Fire element spell effects by 20/30/40% on learning and upgrade- Grants 5 Fire Ball scrolls on learning and upgrade- Consumes 400/450/500 EP

Rank 4 is where your elemental options really start to matter. We’re starting here with Fire Master, which is the obvious go-to for runs where you’re prioritizing Fire element spells. The Rank 5 options are much harder choices than the Rank 4 pure elemental titles.

Goes into: Mage of Destruction or Lord of Elemental

Dark Master (Rank 4; from Wizard or Conjuror)

  • Power +2/4/6 HP +20/30/40 MP +20/30/40- Increases Dark element spell effects by 20/30/40% on learning and upgrade- Grants 4 Death Ripple scrolls on learning and upgrade- Consumes 400/450/500 EP

Magic’s Dark element specialization, Dark Master is the only title that can go into the more powerful Dark Priest. Otherwise this is pretty self-explanatory.

Goes into: Lord of Elemental or Dark Priest

Earth Master (Rank 4; from Conjuror)

  • Power +2/4/6 HP +20/30/40 MP +20/30/40- Increases Earth element spell effects by 20/30/40% on learning and upgrade- Grants 2 Gravity scrolls on learning and upgrade- Consumes 400/450/500 EP

Earth Master comes straight from the totem-summoning Conjuror and has the exclusive title upgrade of Plane Prophet. This is yet another self-explanatory Rank 4 title, but fans of Earth magic and those who have somehow accumulated several Earth scrolls should take note – as with the other element-specific titles in Rank 4.

Goes into: Plane Prophet or Legendary Mage

Mage of Destruction (Rank 5; from Fire Master)

  • Grants a 12% chance to convert Fire Ball to Armageddon when casting- Enhancement upgrade: Power +3/6/9 plus increase the chance to convert Fire Ball to Armageddon by 6/9/12%- Enhancement upgrade: MP +60/120/180 plus increase the effect of Armageddon by 25/50/75%- Enhancement upgrade: HP +40/80/120 plus 5 Fire Ball spells per level- Consumes 500 EP on learning, and 500 EP per enhancement

This is the type of title every Fire magic fan should gun for. While it only has a maximum 24% chance to convert Fire Ball to Armageddon, the damage increase on Armageddon itself is massive when this title is fully enhanced and the spell itself hits everything on a floor, unlike the single target Fire Ball.

Just be aware other types of magic (and spells other than Fire Ball and Armageddon) will see minimal benefits leading up to and learning this title. Gumballs that give you additional Fire Ball scrolls are preferable with this title.

Lord of Elemental (Rank 5; from Fire Master or Dark Master)

  • Grants a 30% increase on all spell damage- Enhancement upgrade: Power +3/6/9 plus increase effects of all damage spells by 10/20/30%- Enhancement upgrade: Power +60/120/180 plus increase effects of all damage spells by 10/20/30%- Enhancement upgrade: HP +40/80/120 plus increase effects of all damage spells by 10/20/30%- Consumes 500 EP on learning, and 500 EP per enhancement

This is a great title if you don’t want to specialize in any particular element. It doesn’t have the flash some of the other Rank 5 titles have but as far as direct damage goes, you can’t do much better than this. At full enhancement this title gives a whopping 120% additional spell damage. Crazy!

Dark Priest (Rank 5; from Dark Master)

  • Grants a 50% chance to cause double damage when casting Dark spells- Enhancement upgrade: Power +3/6/9 plus increase the effect of Death Ripple by 25/50/75%- Enhancement upgrade: MP+60/120/180 plus increase the effect of Implosion by 25/50/75%- Enhancement upgrade: HP +40/80/120 plus receive 1/2/3 Implosion scrolls- Consumes 500 EP on learning, and 500 EP per enhancement

Another powerful title, Dark Priest takes your Dark spells to the next level. That 50% chance of double damage is no joke and will pop far more often than some other titles’ benefits, and the direct damage upgrades to Implosion and Death Ripple on enhancement upgrade are amazing.

In my personal opinion, this is far better than Mage of Destruction as the higher damage is more reliable and you have more options than simply Fire Ball and Armageddon.

Plane Prophet (Rank 5; from Earth Master)

  • Enhances Portal of Earth to take you back an additional 8 floors- Enhancement upgrade: Power +3/6/9 plus Portal of Earth will take you back 2/4/6 more floors- Enhancement upgrade: MP +40/80/120 plus Portal of Earth will take you back 2/4/6 more floors- Enhancement upgrade: HP +60/120/180 plus Portal of Earth will take you back 2/4/6 more floors- Consumes 500 EP on learning, and 500 EP per enhancement

Plane Prophet may not seem all that great to a caster, but it’s not shabby at all as an offensive melee.

Augmented by this title, Portal of Earth will take you back several more floors than you would otherwise. This means you get to whack on weaker enemies while racking up more treasure, spells, and EP before you push onto the next segment of the dungeon.

This is also the only title on the Black-Robe Mage side that gives more HP than it does MP on enhance, and when paired with Conjuror’s totems on a primarily Melee party it’s a welcome addition to a run.

Legendary Mage (Rank 5; from Earth Master or Air Master)

  • Grants an increase on all aid spell effects by 30%- Enhancement upgrade: Power +3/6/9 plus effects of all aid spells increase by 10/20/30%- Enhancement upgrade: MP +60/120/180 plus the duration of all aid spells is increased by 1/2/3 turns- Enhancement upgrade: HP +40/80/120 plus receive 4/8/16 Electrostatic Field scrolls- Consumes 500 EP on learning, and 500 EP per enhancement

Purely a support title, Legendary Mages makes you a buffing spell master at maximum enhancement. Spells like Electrostatic Field, Bless, Energy Drain, Blade of Ruin, and Stoneskin not only become more effective but last longer.

This is another one that’s pretty great for Melee title-primary parties because often you end up tanking bosses to the face instead of casting spells, and spells like Stoneskin and Energy Drain are staples of boss fighting when you’re going melee. That said, you may want to consider going Air Master into Legendary Mage instead if your current party is Melee-oriented.

White-Robe Mage (Rank 2; from Magic Apprentice)

  • MP +20/40/60- Increases MP by 10/20/30%- Grants 3 Cure scrolls on learning and upgrade- Consumes 200/250/300 EP

The starting point for Air, Light, and Water magic specialization, this title is as straight-forward as they come. This will be the go-to side for most Melee-oriented parties.

Goes into: Priest or Oracle

Priest (Rank 3; from White-Robe Mage)

  • Power +1/2/3 Attack +1/2/3 HP +20/40/60- Recover 3/6/9 HP and MP each time you enter a new floor- Grants 3 Holy Bolt scrolls on learning and upgrade- Consumes 300/350/400 EP

The HP and MP recovery per floor is a very nice addition to a low-rank title. Unlike Wizard and Conjuror under Black Robe Mage, this title grants a mix of Attack and Power instead of just Power.

Goes into: Air Master or Light Master

Oracle (Rank 3; from White-Robe Mage)

  • Attack +1/2/3 Power +1/2/3 HP +20/40/60- Grants you Attack +5/10/15 on a floor when you cast a healing spell- Grants 3 Ice Shield scrolls on learning and upgrade- Consumes 300/350/400 EP

Oracle is a much more direct healing title than Priest and leads to a much more Melee-oriented playstyle as it gives you Ice Shield scrolls – and those scrolls are indispensable should you decide to go with the Rank 5 Archbishop title.

Goes into: Light Master or Water Master

Air Master (Rank 4; from Priest)

  • Power +2/4/6 HP +20/30/40 MP +20/30/40- Increases Air element spell effects by 20/30/40% on learning and upgrade- Grants 5 Lightning Bolt scrolls on learning and upgrade- Consumes 400/450/500 EP

Another self-explanatory element-exclusive title. As with all Magic Rank 4s, your eyes should be on the Rank 5 prize and Air Master’s exclusive Rank 5 title Time Lord is worth looking at.

Goes into: Legendary Mage or Time Lord

Light Master (Rank 4; from Priest or Oracle)

  • Power +2/4/6 HP +20/30/40 MP +20/30/40- Increases Light element spell effects by 20/30/40% on learning and upgrade- Grants 4 Holy Bolt scrolls on learning and upgrade- Consumes 400/450/500 EP

Light Master’s exclusive title, Pope, is well-worth the look. This one is self-explanatory, though.

Goes into: Legendary Mage or Time Lord

Water Master (Rank 4; from Oracle)

  • Power +2/4/6 HP +20/30/40 MP +20/30/40- Increases Water element spell effects by 20/30/40% on learning and upgrade- Grants 3 Icicle scrolls on learning and upgrade- Consumes 400/450/500 EP

The last element-exclusive Rank 4 title, Water Master is as simple as the others.

Goes into: Light Oracle or Archbishop

Time Lord (Rank 5; from Air Master)

  • Grants a 50% chance to stop time for 1 turn when casting any Air element spell- Enhancement upgrade: Power +3/6/9 plus receive 2/4/6 Chain Lightning scrolls on upgrade- Enhancement upgrade: MP +40/80/120 plus receive 5/10/15 Lightning Bolt scrolls on upgrade- Enhancement upgrade: HP +60/120/180 plus receive 3/6/9 Disrupting Ray scrolls on upgrade- Consumes 500 EP on learning, and 500 EP per enhancement

The 50% chance to stop time sounds really amazing until you realize it doesn’t work on boss floors. It’s still pretty great to save you from taking damage in normal floors, though.

This title throws a fair amount of spells at you per upgrade as well, which will keep your time stop going. It’s also worth noting this title gives more HP than MP.

Pope (Rank 5; from Light Master)

  • Grants a chance to double cast Light element damage spells- Enhancement upgrade: Power +3/6/9 plus increase the effect of Fist of Heaven by 25/50/75%- Enhancement upgrade: MP +60/120/180 plus increase the effect of Holy Bot by 25/50/75%- Enhancement upgrade: HP +40/80/120 plus receive 4/8/12 Holy Bolt scrolls on enhancement- Consumes 500 EP on learning, and 500 EP per enhancement

Pope is essentially the Light element counterpart to Dark Priest, piling on a bunch of damage. The two are a little different, though: Dark Priest has a chance to do double damage while Pope has a chance to cast a damage spell twice.

You can see this title’s double cast chance in action when you cast Holy Bolt, which will more often than not cast the second instance of Holy Bolt on an enemy other than the one you cast on, when available. Otherwise it will cast the second instance on the same target (bosses).

Light Oracle (Rank 5; from Light Master or Water Master)

  • Grants an increase to all healing spells by 30%- Enhancement upgrade: Power +3/6/9 plus an increase to all healing spells by 10/20/30%- Enhancement upgrade: Attack +2/4/6 plus 3/6/9 Recovering scrolls- Enhancement upgrade: HP +60/120/180 plus 3/6/9 Divine Favor scrolls- Consumes 500 EP on learning, and 500 EP per enhancement

This is the only Rank 5 Magic title that gives no MP on enhancement, which makes Light Oracle a bad choice when you’re relying almost entirely on spells to take out enemies. But it’s a great title for a more tanky Melee-oriented team.

You get a full 60% additional healing out of Light Oracle, not to mention 9 Attack and 180 HP. A very sturdy title for a sturdy team!

Archbishop (Rank 5; from Water Master)

  • Grants a 15% chance to convert Ice Shield to Aurora Barrier when casting- Enhancement upgrade: Power +3/6/9 plus an additional 9/12/15% chance to convert Ice Shield to Aurora Barrier- Enhancement upgrade: MP +40/80/120 plus increase the effect of Aurora Barrier by 25/50/75%- Enhancement upgrade: HP +60/120/180 plus receive 4/8/12 Ice Shield scrolls- Consumes 500 EP on learning, and 500 EP per enhancement

This is one of the few Magic titles that prioritize HP over MP, and its effects are very handy for both Magic and Melee-oriented teams. The damage absorption is great for both standard and boss floors.

As you should know, Aurora Barrier is simply an upgraded Ice Shield – and, like Mage of Destruction and its Fire Ball to Armageddon conversion, you get far more Ice Shield scrolls than Aurora Barrier scrolls.

This title may not seem flashy but it’s one of the few tanky title options among Rank 5 Magic titles, along with Legendary Mage and Light Oracle.

That about wraps up the Magic titles you have to work with in Gumballs & Dungeons. This title set is much more straightforward than Venture and is about on the same level of complexity of Melee. Choose your build based on the way you want to play.