Prey for the Gods is an (now) upcoming game from No Matter Studios, a newly-formed studio consisting of several Video Game Industry veterans, including Brian Parnell, Hung-Chien Liao, and Tim Wiese. The game also advertises a soundtrack composed by Ian Dorsch, whom you may recognize as the composer of the opening and closing music themes for the internet review series Zero Punctuation, among other things. 

As many people have already observed, and what has stated directly by the team at No Matter Studios themselves, Prey for the Gods takes elements and inspiration from many different games, but they are most clearly inspired by the Playstation 2 classic Shadow of the Colossus by Team Ico. 

Shadow of the Colossus is often cited as one of the best, if not the best game ever made for the Playstation 2, and is also a frequent go-to example often used in the debate of Video Games as a high art form, so attempting to ape it’s wholly unique and emotionally evocative style is both bold and likely fairly difficult. Not to say that the game does not have a distinct style of its own.

In a video released by Polygon earlier this month, No Matter Studios showed off around four minutes of Pre-Alpha gameplay, with some mild editing in order to briefly touch on some of the mechanics and elements of the game discussed in the Kickstarter pitch video, such as scavenging/survival gameplay as well exploration, and, or course, fighting giant god-like monsters. You can see that video below:

While the game has been fully funded, there are still stretch-goals yet to be reached for Prey for the Gods; Such as additional weapons and animations, and perhaps even a fully orchestrated soundtrack. 

Based on what’s been shown off so far, if the promise of the initial concept holds through the development process, then Prey for the Gods may end up being yet another reason to be thankful for Kickstarter. 

If you want to support the project for the remaining week that it’s up then click here.

(It also appears as though they will be taking PayPal donations after the actual campaign is over).