While this problem is squarely filed under #firstworldproblems, and rightfully so, it’s still a problem. Reviews have value only if the audience can trust the word of the reviewer.

Let me say that again for emphasis because it is the most critical piece of information for an aspiring/current reviewer:

Reviews have value ONLY if the audience can trust the word of the reviewer.

So - how can reviewers accept review units and maintain usefulness / integrity / trust?

Know the difference between a good review and a positive one

Good reviews are accurate, not necessarily positive.

When someone gives us something we usually want to be nice to them in return. That’s normal. The nicer it is (like a gaming laptop) the more we feel the need to be nice to them. Don’t let that cloud your judgement and cause you to review something more positively than warranted.

A positive review that isn’t accurate may help a company sell more of something… for a little while.

Companies want reviewers to review their stuff because the audience trust them.

If the audience wanted to hear from a company directly, then they’d just head on over to their site and believe everything they read. That’s not how it works, and there’s a reason why. Don’t let gratitude cloud your judgement. Create a review that has real value by telling people the truth.

Make it painfully, unmissably obvious that you got the product for free / at a reduced rate / by request / mailed to you anonymously / left on your porch in a basket.

Always disclose your product receipt in your post in an obvious, clear, utterly transparent way.

This disclaimer on a review for Zipbuds is an excellent example:

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