The hosiery plant with an area of 185 square meter is situated in Shastri Nagar Mattaia Purwa. It was fixed by tehsildar Bilhaur Laxmi Narain Bajpai.

The property was purchased by a Shastri Nagar occupant Girish Dayal in the year 2012 from criminal Vikas Dubey’s significant other Richa Dubey.

After examination, the organization found that Vikas Dubey had purchased the property for the sake of Richa Dubey. In this, Girish Dayal had moved the Allahabad High Court, yet the court requested Kanpur region justice to seal the property.

Following the court orders, the plant has been fixed.

Tehsildar Laxmi Narain Bajpai said the seizure move has been made against the property obtained unlawfully by Vikas Dubey and his partners, the fundamental charged in the Bikru case.

“The assessed worth of the property is around Rs 96.37 lakh,” he further said.

Production line proprietor Girish Dayal in the mean time said that he had purchased the property in the wake of seeing the chain deed.

“Because of the unexpected conclusion of the processing plant, all representatives will go jobless and face difficulties,” Dayal said.

It very well might be reviewed that on July 3, 2020, a police group that had gone to the place of Vikas Dubey in the Bikru town of the region for a strike, was gone after by him and his helpers.

Eight cops, including the then Circle Official of Bilhaur, Devendra Mishra, were killed by Dubey and his assistants in the assault.

Afterward, the police in consecutive experiences, had killed six blamed including Vikas Dubey and his five affirmed assistants.

In excess of 50 blamed, remembering station for charge of Chaubepur Vinay Tiwari and beat in-control K.K. Sharma, are in prison.