While we will have to wait and see if this translates into several new, innovative games over the next year, the support for the PS4 by indie devs is undeniable and Sony’s commitment to smaller studios is clearly being seen.  On the PS4, indie devs will be able to self-publish which will provide those who do not have a formal publisher a road to success.  On the Xbox One, a formal publisher is required.  With the PS4, indie devs will be able to set their own pricing. With the Xbox One, they are bound by Microsoft’s pricing guidelines.

With many months to go before the release of any new console, Sony continues to ride its momentum with the PS4. If Microsoft wants to keep up, it needs to start listening to its fans, consumers, and indie developers alike, or be left behind in the console race.

Are you a supporter of independent developers? What do you think about Sony’s apparent lead over Microsoft?  Comment Below!